Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Yeah, so I'm like 3 weeks behind on posts, so I've decided to cram it all in one day. I am the master procrastinator of my generation. Argh, so here goes:


I'll pick one to save time (cause I have, like, 5 other posts to do). Take a looksie.

She said that it did not matter a bit, but that, if she ever found out that I did not believe in our Christian God, she would commit suicide. She said it so solemnly that it gave me the creeps.
- Humbert Humbert (grand pedophile from Lolita)

Yeah, I have a lot to say about this. This lady, Delores's mother, is super duper religious. Ick, that's gross. Ultra-religious-y people gross me out and anger me. A lot. They make me kind of want to throw up in my mouth/yell at them about THE HOLOCAUST AND WHERE THE HECK WAS YOUR GOD DURING THAT ONE, HUH? Yes, yes, I know, that was offensive. My bad, but I really, really, don't like those kinds of people. I mean, on facebook, I periodically see people post things like: "Praise God for this wonderful life!" or this one (which slightly pissed me off), "If you don't know God, You don't know peace." Which is a load of crap, because religion is one of the main sources of conflict (you know, the wars, the massacres, the crucifictions, the burnings at the stake, the stonings to death) throughout all of history. Jeez, get your facts straight.

Anyway, my ultimate line of wisdom that I believe in: you don't have to believe in God to be a good person. Period. Just live life right-- don't do drugs and don't be a pedophile, and you're good.  I realize what I posted above was an extremely strong viewpoint, and probably a little offensive. But, whatever, it's my blog. I mean no disrespect, and if anybody even reads my blog, feel free to spout religious stuff at me in the comments (not that anyone actually reads this, I bet). Mahalo.

 I try not to associate myself with any religion whatsoever <----summary of above paragraph.

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